Thursday, January 17, 2008

....not me, WE

Killing in the name of….

Mahatma Gandhi said , “ I have nothing new to teach the world truth and non-violence are as old as the hills…”. I, a lesser known (actually an unknown) soul would rather quote “hatred and communal violence are as old as truth and non-violence…” . so much so that it has become a world of convenience.We have come in terms of accepting them in our day to day lives and yes.....we have no qualms about it. I remember my younger brother in his nursery day he came up to my parents and said, "mom i want shoes with spikes in them like the ones cricketers and footballers use" mom amazed, enquired of the reason. he then replied that he had a scuffle with some other classmates and so he wanted to 'smash them up'..... of course we didn't buy them for him ....

In today’s world as we long for peace and happiness it is sometimes so strange to see some spreading fear and terror. Be it Bush uncle, Osama uncle, Pervez uncle or their ancestors like Hitler ….all of them are being named together in the paradigm of fear, terror and hatred that they have created.

Terrorist attacks, communal violence, “invasions”, war, “jihad” ….are some words with which we are so familiar that if now we hear of some bomb blast, we don’t bother to care much about it since it has become such a common phenomenon. And its scary….what knowledge are we imparting to our future generations? What is going to be the future? And will there be a future at all?? Who are we killing each other for? In whose name? The ONE who created us?? I wonder what he must be thinking…probably himself trying to find the answers…

It’s so sad that forget humans rather every living being is fighting for their basic right to survive in this age. It’s become a rat race …a lion race ….a survival race. And it is startling how one can so easily snatch away another’s right to survive. How can we be so merciless??? How can we let this happen??? Why are we quiet?? When are we going to speak out and say , that we don't need terror rather peace...and a better world for everyone…. Why don’t we exercise this power….the power of oneness….the power of unity…the power of ‘we’……

1 comment:

Rozita Singh said...

u raise very valid questions!!!