Sunday, January 20, 2008

phir bhi dil hai hindustani....

"hum sab ek hain!!" i guess only in movies....and even if its true its an old one. we have a new version ost developing india...."ek main aur ek tu!!"
Off late certain issues have been disturbing me so much so that i always ended up fighting with people...since 'fighting' or raising our voices is something that we are such experts at...we call ouselves a free economy but take less time in overreacting to issues that in many cases are not even 'issues'...
Be it the Danish cartoon or the banning of AXN for two months in India or the controversies surrounding M.F. Hussain and Salman Rushdie or many others like them… . Just today NDTV’s office in Ahmedabad was vandalized by goons claiming to be a part of some political outfits (who clearly disowned them…). The larger question is … Where is the India which was an example of peace brotherhood and “aadmi hoon aadmi se pyar karta hun” feeling?? Which society are we heading towards??
In a country where a politician calls the opposition leaders ‘hijras’ at a public rally and everyone plays a mute spectator and on the other hand a news channel conducts a poll and its office is vandalized and employees injured…just because they were offended to one of the nominees in the poll. Where is the freedom of expression now??
Come valentines day and our dear Shiv Sena and VHP workers venture out and attack all couples in their vicinity, vandalize restraunts, card shops etc etc….calling it a western phenomenon and more…when a leadng actress from south India when asked in an interview presents her views on pre-marital sex she is attacked several times…. when Richard Gere kisses Shilpa Shetty, his effigies are burnt and there are widespread protests . But when a girl is harassed and molested in broad daylight at a public place we turn a blind eye and a deaf ear... noone tries to help her. Because we all are so scared.…
But why??
How can we denied of our rights so easily and the best part is that we don't raise our voices against it. We really don’t care whom we are voting for or how our country is being governed?? The truth is that when we vote (well, this is for those who vote because for most of us it is that perfect holiday when we dine out and watch movies) . so for those of us who vote its almost like a family tradition where we vote for those candidates to whom our elders have been voting for... We need to keep the tradition alive you see!! But wait I guess in a country like India we will have those who shall prove this wrong...and those are the ones who care for the future of their country
Where are today’s Subhash Chandra Bose and Bhagat Singh ?? can we only promise to put our lives at stake or is a fake pledge we take in front of the cameras when we are auditioning for MTV Roadies???
But when i read the newspaper today i got some was muharram yesterday and members of a hindu family in Uttar Pradesh sent out a special message, "we fast for muharram and ramzan just as we do for navratras.For us both Hinduism and Islam are equal" .... So hence proved ....Is it true that we haven't changed much ...just a little?? ...But that doesn't mean that whatever i said is not true!! considering what's at stake (my whole article) ill try to give the only example dribbling inside my head...its just like whenever our mother cooks kheer for us ...even if its does not have that perfect taste we dont the end of it , its cooked by our mother (and yah because its kheer)....
Similarly, i guess we shall remain what we were just a little change here and there....some less sugar but after all "phir bhi dil hai hindustani"....
Well i cant find a proper conclusion so i guess ill leave it to you ....does it all even matter to you?? when was the last time you tried to listen to your heart and make an effort to help someone or to set an example ?? to change for the good...for your country..your people...and you!!!


Rozita Singh said...

i like wat u hav written fr sure!!very true!voting whch was meant 2 b the strongest check for democracy has turnd out 2 b the weakest link....When will v wake up??This whole thing leaves me sad nd pretty hopeless future v hav,i thnk.....

Nikita Balasubramanian said...

yeah....its just like any other holiday for us...nd when will we change?? even students like you and me writing blogs here dont exercise this right.... DUSU elections voting percentage 27....wake up ppl!!!!