Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Where is humanity???

have u seen humanity??...i think he...oh no she....hell watever....(hmm..let us assume humanity is a 'he'...)....yaah so i think he's lost somewhere...or maybe he has lost his way....because i cant find him anywhere...neither in my neighborhood...nor in or near my college...neither on the roads...nor in the temple...not even on t.v. or newspapers...he cant be found anywhere...i hope he's alive....its improbable though...

Delhi is the rape capital...mumbai has the largest no of people involved in commercial sex trade...everyday n number of people are killed...a woman in mumbai dumped her 9 year old boy on railway tracks because he was paralysed...he is now taken care by his grandmother who lives with him on the food no shelter....a man raped his daughter...a few days back a rickshaw puller raped a blind girl in north campus then beat her up...a domestic help killed his 80 year old employer....

these cases are innumerable which suggests the absence of humanity...i hope he wakes up someday or finds his way through...and if u can help us find him...please do....we need him...


unforgiven said...

Don't wait for a saviour, save yourselves. There is good and bad inside us, as in all things in nature; you cannot blame humanity for the exhibition of the negative that has to exist to balance the positive.

For every example that you have listed of hate, depravation and malicious insanity, there exist hundreds of others of kindness, love, compassion and for lack of a better word, humanity.

We live in a world. It takes all kinds to make a world.

Roseofscarlet said...

We are indian who probably belongs to the oldest and richest civilization. humanity is not someone we can search. the need here is to search it inside us. we have to keep it alive and burning and to inspire others also..