Sunday, February 24, 2008

a human by birth..a hijra by choice...

guess the above line says it all...
the other day i was on a bus and at one particular stop a 'hijra' entered the bus....she said one hijra from their community had died and they needed money for the last rites...i kept looking at her....i couldn't get my eyes off her....i was trying to face read...'is she lying or does she really need the money?'...i asked myself...she went to every seat begged every passenger....i kept on thinking...should i or should i she lying or not...she came to me too...i had a few coins in my hand which i held tighter...but why?? i kept on thinking about her for days....some days later i saw a documentary on eunuchs in mumbai who had resorted to prostitution to earn a living.... they had no qualms about it...they were 'happy' or so?
they narrated how they reached here and what all problems they have to face being an eunuch....
how they ran away from their homes and reached their families disowned of them narrated what all she had faced...i was shocked...fascinated and intrigued all at the same time...she narrated how she was castrated....her penis removed without any medical anesthesia....nothing sterile...she stood there naked while her gurus surrounded her the room occupied to the fullest...the others were preparing for a 'celebration'...she looked around her...the walls full of pictures of their gurus and various other gods and goddesses...she was scared,excited,nervous...and happy all at the same time...she would now be a complete woman...she didn't care about the unsterile environment or because she might get infected...such thoughts didn't bother her....and suddenly...her guru slit her 'male organs'....that night there was a celebration....she was a woman now....a few weeks later she went back to her village... somewhere in south India...her parents were 'happy'...their boy was now a girl....the word spread like fire amongst the villagers and they visited in hoards to see how ramesh was no longer ramesh but rani...


Xhibit said...

woah dats a nice reminder n revelation to all dose who lead normal lives nd still regret living it....though im still very inquisitive abt u not givin da money enlighten me............?

Nikita Balasubramanian said...

dunno abt dat.....but u kno wat....a few days ago i saw d same eunuch in the bus wearin d same clothes n recitin d same thing!!!....i was so shocked!!!!....